Teens Muay Thai (11-15 years)

Muay Thai For Teenagers in Murwillumbah

Teens Aged 11-15 Years

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Teenager Muay Thai Lessons

Muay Thai is the dynamic striking style that originates out of Thailand and involves the use of punches, kicks, knees, elbows, clinch, and sweeps. It is a sport of attrition and involves the development of a tough body and strong mind, aiding the development of durable and confident teens. With the guidance of a strong male role model our classes provide a productive after school activity that allow teens to unwind and socialize, as well as teaching essential self-defence techniques.

Our sessions work on building strong, tough bodies with cardio training, strength training and Muay Thai conditioning exercises. Teens learn how to use the whole body to generate powerful punches, kicks, knees and elbows, and develop speed, accuracy and timing to attack, defend and counter-attack effectively.

Book your teenager in for a FREE TRIAL session by clicking “Book Now” below, or contact us today on 0488 312 950.

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Muay Thai Benefits For Teenagers

Aside from helping them to improve their fitness and acquire self-defence techniques, there are a variety of benefits to teenagers learning Muay Thai. They include:

  • Muay Thai assists with boosting confidence
  • Muay Thai helps with developing camaraderie & sportsmanship
  • Muay Thai provides an outlet to release stress & pent-up energy
  • Muay Thai gives them a sense of accomplishment
  • Muay Thai teaches them how to control & handle their emotions
  • Muay Thai helps teenagers to be more focused & motivated
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